Beginners Wheel Throwing / Chen Sivan / Noam Kisch / Ofir Naor / Aviv La Oz Kalif

First time clay students will acquire basic throwing skills and techniques on the wheel including wedging, centering, building cylinders, turning and using color on clay.
Students will learn to evaluate form and experiment to gain an understanding of the potential of the material including various decorating techniques.

The course is for participants with no experience or with basic throwing skills.

Course dates and hours:

Monday, 12:30-15:30, beginning 13.11.23 with Shay Gerassy

Tuesday, 19:00-22:00, beginning 14.11.23 with Noam Kisch

Wednesday, 9:00-12:00, beginning 15.11.23 with Ofir Naor

Wednesday, 15:45-18:45, beginning 15.11.23 with Aviv La-Oz Kalif


 4910 NIS 27 meetings including materials, firings and basic tools.

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